Sunday, June 30, 2013

Friendly Reminder to Self

     It's crazy to think that we have already been working on the farms for three weeks. The time has just flown by. The initial thrill is beginning to wear down and I have begun to fall into a pleasant routine. It's funny to think that as a kid I would do anything to get out of weeding the garden and now I don't mind it. Being able to simply be outside and feel like I have accomplished something for the day is truly rewarding. As we discussed after the movie Dirt! academics has its place and the classroom setting can be valuable but nothing beats getting down into the heart of things and working.

     Today, our day off, Sophie and I went blueberry picking. I guess you could say that we just couldn't stay away from the farms. The blueberries in our fridge are now quickly disappearing as the taste of our hard work can't be beat. Pushing past the heat and exhaustion is worth the benefits and I believe more people need to feel this unbeatable feeling. What makes this mornings work even better is the fact that we picked on a share, meaning the owner kept half of what we picked and we got to take the rest for free. These avenues are becoming more and more available for people to become a part of. With food stamps being taken at farmers markets and share harvesting, it's getting harder and harder for people to justify not eating good food.

     Going into this extra hot week, I know it's going to be important for me to remember all these benefits and reflect on the reasons I joined this internship. Heat and I may not get along, but I am determined to not let it defeat me in the next couple of days and keep a positive attitude. 

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