Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dirt and additional thoughts

I just finished watching the documentary for this week and all in all I thought it offered a new change of pace. Even though the film discussed and went into the social and human element of soil, dirt, and living styles... I really appreciated the movie diving into a scientific lens. For me, it was really interesting to hear the parts about microorganisms, the compounds, and all of the different uses for dirt, soil, etc. I also really enjoyed that they brought different cultures into the picture and hit various parts of the globe in the documentary.

A reoccurring theme in the movies and in different stories I have heard, is prison inmates using gardening as a way to overcome their troubles and poor situation. A number of years ago I heard about this type of thing for adolescents in juvenile detention and I think it is great that this has been tested with adults as well. It is clear that this has served as a positive avenue for many individuals. It seems like such an easy program too. It doesn't seem like a whole lot would have to be overcome to start programs like that everywhere because it is not like there is a financial burden.

I have started to reevaluate the way I want to live my life in the future. During the movie today I was blown away by the man and woman who were building homes in LA using dirt and that when it dried, it was very strong and durable. I never really knew these types of options existed. There seems to be so many alternatives to the status quo that I have been ignorantly unaware of and I'm happy that I'm starting to understand these better

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