Friday, July 19, 2013

Project Update (7-15-13)

Jake and I have been playing a waiting game with starting our high tunnel project. First, we had to figure out if this project was even feasible due to time constraints starting in August. Jake and I both play sports in the fall and will have busy schudles. Therefore, we were weary tht the project would not work due to not being able to see the project through its completion. Yet after discussion with Barbara Boyer, the farmer who we work for, these worries have been put to rest. She said that there will be series of peoples coming through the farm that will be able to help tend to the garden in the high tunnel. Barbara also is willing to commit time to taking care of the area.

Also, we have been waiting multiple weeks now to review the results of the soil test we conducted on the area. The soil test will allow us to understand what nutrients may be lacking in the area we want to plant in. The test was supposed to come last week. Yet we are thinking about planting the crops in raised beds in order to have the most nutrient-rich soil possible. This way, we can create our own soil and put it in the raised beds instead of being dependent on the prosperity of the ground soil.

This week will be a big week for us. Construction will begin and hopefull we can plant by the end of the week. Yet we may need to look into irrigation systems before planting. Therefore, we will need to have a mutual discussion on what we want to do after constructing the beds. We could risk drying out the crops by planting the seeds immediately in order to get the crops to begin growing now. Or we could set up the irrigation system first, delay the planting of the crops and hopefully have a successful foundation set up in order for them to thrive.

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